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Unifying Feminine & Masculine:

For the Female Experience


Transformation takes time & space to learn, explore, embody & integrate. For 12 weeks an intimate group of women are journeying together with the intention of unifying their inner feminine & masculine forces.


Throughout these weeks various practices, rituals, & direct experiences facilitating & allowing for Emotional, Mental, Physical & Spiritual processing will be engaged. In confidential space & with experienced support the invitation is to face inner blockages, limited understandings, conditioned belief systems, & stored human experiences in order to fully choose to come into sacred relationship with the many aspects of your being; therefore experiencing the unity of feminine & masculine within.


The feminine & masculine principles are the polarities of life force that run through all of Earth experience. We may also relate them to yin & yang, Shakti & Shiva… Through this Female Empowerment Course the choice will be given to step out of polarity & into inner unity in a deeply embodied form.


With over 30 hours of direct contact & group experiences, a unique community space for profound transformation & the opportunity to radically step into a new way of being, the investment for this course requires that you commit fully to saying Yes to yourself & prioritize your growth.




Previous participants are saying...


"My Feminine & Masculine have made peace."


"It feels like a new journey has begun & my curiosity is alive."


"I am ready to embrace my emotions as they present themselves."


"I often went deep inside to release past stories & I feel serene about it."





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