Episode #36: Mikailah Star Witch

Whenever an energetic pattern pops up, I look to astrology for updates on the cosmic report. As much as our small minds would hate to know it, Life is not SO personal. We can often receive great softness & self-compassion when we shift perspectives and for years astrology has been a support of that in my life.
Which is why I'm excited to share with you this week's podcast episode & introduce you to Mikailah, Star Witch extraordinaire.
Mikailah is an astrologist, star witch and earth poet who embodies ancient practices in a contemporary form. Her transpersonal work speaks to the artist, the creative, the free spirited entrepreneur and the visionary. She offers a unique fusion of soul astrology and earth wisdom in video call sessions for our global community.
Listen to receive on :
Star Maps
Star Elders
Cosmic Architecture
Venusian reclamations
Rites of Passage & Astro Transits
This convo is rich, deep & a magically woven dream. May you give plenty of spaciousness to listen & integrate the medicine within.
Connect with Mikailah via her website at www.starwitchastrology.com and on Instagram
Sign up for newsletter updates at the bottom of the page.
May this episode be inspiration on your journey of returning Home to your Self.
xxoo Lindsey